Another successful Open House on Sunday June 23rd - attended by Principal Woolf and many others from Queen's and the local community.
For the 14th consecutive year, we have an Ecology of Amphibian & Reptile field course at QUBS.
Mark Conboy with Summer Work Experience interns Jill Lemmen and Eric Taylor attended the 2013 version of Science Rendezvous held at the Rogers K-Ro
Representatives from Tongji University visited QUBS on May 1st and 2nd.
The Queen’s University Biology Capstone Lecture Series Committee is pleased to announce the 2013 speaker, Severn Cullis-Suzuki.&nb
We hosted attendees from 9 countries, who were shown different facets of our properties and operations.
We had another successful Open House on Sunday June 24th.
Article on QUBS published on the Canada Foundation for Innovation website.