Undergraduate Scholarships at QUBS

The awards listed below are available to help support undergraduate students wishing to conduct field research at the Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS). Two of the awards listed below are available to help underwrite costs of field courses (Huntley, Chinese Alumni). Two other awards (Queen’s Biology Field Course Opportunity Award and Queen’s Jessie V. Deslauriers Award) to help support participation in field courses are also available via a separate application | here |.

Fillable Application Form

Applications due March 31st, 2025 at 4 PM. Please submit completed forms to the Biology Undergrad Admin Assistant. Email: ug.biology@queensu.ca

The Wes and Dorletta Curran Memorial Award

For Research in Aquatic Biology

This award was established to support undergraduate students who aspire to study at QUBS. The award may be shared among awardees. Eighty percent of the award is intended to cover room and board at QUBS with the remaining 20% for stipend. Awards will be based on financial need (defined as eligibility for OSAP or other governmental student assistance programs and determined by the Regsitrar), academic excellence, and full-time enrollment in the Biology undergraduate program at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to students doing field or laboratory research in aquatic ecology, illuminating the ecology of the freshwater habitat.

J. Allen Keast Lake Opinicon Undergraduate Research Fellowship

For Independent Research at QUBS

This award was established to support undergraduate students to carry out a one-summer study at QUBS. Preference will be given to broader-based studies, such as how systems function or interrelate. Components of the study can fit into on-going long-term studies. The award will cover the costs of board and room at QUBS plus a stipend to the student.

The Alexander and Cora Munn Summer Research Award

For Research in Conservation Biology or Environmental Preservation

This award was established to support undergraduate students who are working in the area of conservation biology or environmental preservation at QUBS. These funds will help support room and board at QUBS and/or a student stipend. Awarded based on academic achievement to students in 3rd or 4th year Biology. Preference will be given to students with an interest in woodlot and wildlife conservation.

The Kingston Field Naturalists' Award

For Research on Conservation Biology or Natural History

The Kingston Field Naturalists' Fund for Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS) was established in spring 2007 in memory of Dr. Robert Stewart, former Head of Microbiology at Queen's University, former KFN President and Honorary President, and former President of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. The award is intended to benefit and encourage undergraduate students whose studies at QUBS focus on conservation biology or natural history. Recognizing the valuable and unique educational opportunity QUBS provides at a critical stage of a student's development, the KFN established the Fund in keeping with its mandate to stimulate public interest in nature and to acquire and provide knowledge of natural history. The Fund creates opportunities for students with good academic standing and demonstrated leadership skills to gain field experience at QUBS.

How to apply for the Curran, Munn, Keast and KFN Awards:

  • Find a faculty supervisor for your research at QUBS.
  • Prepare a brief research proposal.
  • Include a description of your leadership qualities and achievements.
  • Fill in the Common BUGS Awards Application Form (link below), providing all details requested.

Karen Huntley Memorial Award

Karen Huntley Memorial Award was established by family and friends in memory of Karen Huntley, an undergraduate student in Biology who died in May 1990. Awarded to a student in an Honours Biology or an Environmental Science SSP Biology degree program who will be doing a field course or field research in conservation, environmental biology or sustainable forestry. This award will support expenses incurred at the field site.  Selection is made by the Faculty of Arts and Science Awards Committee based upon nomination from the Department of Biology. This is not an award that is expressly for fieldwork at QUBS. Rather it can be used for research with the listed emphases at QUBS or anywhere else, or can be used to support participation in a field course

The China Alumni Scholarship

Awarded to international students from China

Awarded in the Fall on the basis of academic excellence to Chinese international students entering second, third or fourth year of a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science with an academic plan in Biology or Environmental Science. Preference will be given to students who have completed, or will be doing, a field course or field research at Queen's University Biological Station. Selection will be made by the Faculty of Arts and Science Awards Committee based upon nomination from the Department of Biology.

Jessie V. Deslauriers QUBS Diversity Award 

Established in February 2021 by Queen’s University Biological Station from the proceeds of an endowment created by the Estate of QUBS benefactor Jessie V. Deslauriers. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement to students who self-identify as Indigenous, Black Canadians or Visible Minority/Racialized students in any year of any Faculty or School at Queen's University who are enrolled in a field course at the Queen’s University Biological Station. Preference will be given to students who have completed at least second year before the field course begins. Applications will be considered for any field course in Biology, Environmental Studies or Geography within the calendar year of application. Applications are made via a separate application | here |.