Contact Information, Directions & QUBS Personnel

For contact information and directions to our Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centresee here.

For general queries on booking our facilities for an event, workshop, field course or to submit a research application and accommodation request, please email

Telephone: 613-359-5629
Fax: 613-533-6617 (Please be sure to indicate 'QUBS' in the message as this is a shared FAX line)

Mailing and Courier Address:
Queen's University Biological Station
280 Queen's University Road
RR #1, Elgin, Ontario  K0G 1E0

​Driving Instructions:

From the east: 
Off Hwy 15, take Chaffey's Lock Rd (turning west), go through the village of Chaffey's Lock, cross the Rideau Canal Bridge, go west approx. 2km past Indian Lake Rd and turn left onto Queen's University Rd.

From the west: 
From Perth Rd, turn right (east) onto Opinicon Rd. (just north of Perth Road Village), follow road for approx. 20km; then turn right onto Queen's University Rd.

Please drive to the end of Queen's University Rd. where you will find a parking lot. After parking proceed to the Raleigh J. Robertson Biodiversity Centre where the offices of the Director and Manager are.

QUBS Personnel

 NamePosition and BioE-mail
Lougheed PhotoDr. Stephen C. LougheedDirector. Baillie Family Chair in Conservation Biology: Professor in Biology and Environmental Studies, who uses genetics, genomics and spatial ecology to help understand origins of species and impacts of human activities on species of conservation concern. Works and teaches all over the world spanning Asia, Africa, Latin America and North
Arnott PhotoDr. Shelley ArnottAssociate Director: Professor in Biology and aquatic ecologist who investigates the effect of local environmental conditions and regional connectivity on community composition and function.  She uses a combination of lake surveys and field mesocosm experiments to determine how zooplankton communities respond to environmental changes that result from the spread of invasive species, climate change, aqueous calcium decline, and
Sonia NobregaSonia NobregaSenior Manager, QUBS: After graduating with a M.Sc. in Biology from Queen's, Sonia worked in Nunavut for the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs as project manager providing advice and project management services for the assessment and re-mediation of contaminated sites across the Canadian Arctic. In March 2008 she joined Institutional Programs with Queen’s Research Services facilitating successful applications to Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Canada Research Chairs Secretariat, and the Ontario Research Fund Research Excellence Program. Sonia has spent several field seasons in remote locations in British Columbia, the Arctic and
Justine Macdonald

Operations & Stewardship Manager, Opinicon:  Justine holds a BA in English from York University and an MA in Applied Language from Carlton University.  From tree planting to teaching, Justine brings a wide range of skills and experience to QUBS.  Most recently, Justine taught EAL at Queen’s School of English where she was a key developer and teacher of the Queen’s Career Gateway programme, an employment pathway for casual employees from a variety of cultures and backgrounds, often newcomers to Canada. As the pioneering teacher of this highly successful programme, Justine received a Queen’s staff award in 2022.  

Justine also spent a year teaching grade seven in in a remote northern Ontario community where she gathered data for her MA thesis on Indigenous literacies. Always passionate about nature and the environment, Justine was a tree planter and a tree thinner for two years, also in Northern Ontario.  Along the way, Justine has developed a variety of management, building and carpentry skills, and has worked as an installer, coordinator, and project manager for both residential and commercial construction companies.   Justine also had her own business installing hardwood floors and tiles. There are few practical skills she has not acquired and none that she is not happy to learn.  Justine is delighted that her education and experience, both formal and informal, have come together so serendipitously in her position at the Opincon campus of the Biological Station.  

Please send facility booking and research requests to
 Rebecca (Becky) Vincent

Outreach and Teaching Coordinator

Please send outreach requests to
 Gail MarshallHead Cook/Kitchen
Green PhotoRoger (Rod) GreenMaintenance Assistant 


Mathew Butterill

Operations Coordinator, Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre:  Mathew is an operations and facilities management professional with over a decade of experience in environmental systems, safety, and team leadership. His background includes managing large-scale refrigeration, HVAC, and building automation systems in high-demand venues. Currently a volunteer firefighter with South Frontenac Fire and Rescue, Mathew is committed to safety, emergency response, and community involvement. Known for his proactive approach and adaptability, he is well-suited to support Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre’s mission through sustainable and efficient facility management.

Please send facility booking requests to


Undergraduate Staff: Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP) and Work Study Staff

We are grateful to the funding provided by the SWEP and Work Study programs, providing experiential learning opportunities for Queen’s undergraduate students working at the Biological Station.

Summer 2024 staff

 Len Whittaker: Education Assistant: Len is a Kingston native and a third-year undergraduate student in Environmental Science at Trent University. This summer, they'll be helping to develop and deliver environmental education programming at Elbow Lake and Queen's Point.
 Alex Brandt:  Conservation Research Intern:
 Olivia Wiley: Conservation Research Intern: Olivia is a fourth-year Queen's student completing a joint degree in Environmental Studies and Film. At QUBS, they are working on long-term monitoring projects including population monitoring, trapping, and banding of Tree Swallows, Malaise insect abundance sampling, and Ontario snake board monitoring. 
 Grace Mirza: Field and Stewardship Intern: Grace is a third-year student at Queens majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Geography. At QUBS, she is working on a variety of ongoing projects such as checking and re-filling gray rat snake nest boxes, invasive species management, and trail maintenance. 
 Hannah Besrai:Field and Stewardship Intern: Hannah is a fourth-year Queen's student majoring in environmental science and minoring in political studies. This summer, she is aiding annual projects around QUBS including snake nest box maintenance, trail mapping, and invasive species control.
 Jacqueline Edwards:

Youth Environmental Educators (Eco-Adventure Camp), Director: Jacqueline recently graduated with her BScH in biology from Queen’s University this spring.  She is most looking forward to sharing knowledge about common plants and animals on hikes and canoe paddles around Elbow Lake this summer!

 Emma Rychliwsky:

Youth Environmental Educators (Eco-Adventure Camp), Counsellor: Emma is a third-year student in Con-ed and Environmental Studies at Queen’s University. This will be her first year at Eco-Adventure camp and is excited to get to know the campers and enjoy the sights of Elbow Lake.

 Marissa Gelinas:

Youth Environmental Educators (Eco-Adventure Camp), Counsellor: Marissa is a fourth-year Environmental Biology/ Con-Ed student at Queen’s University! Her passion is reconnecting youth with nature. 

 Livia Wells:Youth Environmental Educators (Eco-Adventure Camp), Counsellor: Livia is a third-year Con-ed/ Biology student at Queens University. This is her second year being a counsellor at Eco-Adventure camp and she could not be more excited!
 Willow Salsky:Youth Environmental Educators (Eco-Adventure Camp), Counsellor: Willow is a Fine Arts + Concurrent Education student and nature enthusiast. They love working in education settings that revolve around learning and playing within natural environments. They can’t wait to meet you all this summer!
 Gavin Cordon:Youth Environmental Educators (Eco-Adventure Camp), Counsellor: Gavin is a third year BScH in physical geography at Queens University. They have been teaching science since grade 9, acting as a robotics mentor. They also have environmental research and education experience as they have done work with urban microclimates and worked as a guide at the Toronto Zoo.

Click here for a list of our Past Undergraduate Staff