May 30th, 2019
Here is an updated list of peer-reviewed publications and theses that were written based on research done in 2018 on QUBS property. If you know of a publication or theses that is not on this list, please contact Ivy Schoepf and it will be added.
QUBS Peer-reviewed publications 2019
- Cox AR, Robertson RJ, Lendvai AZ, Everitt K, Bonier F (2019) Rainy springs linked to poor nestling growth in a declining avian aerial insectivore (Tachycineta bicolor). Proceedings of the Royal Society B286, 20190018.
- Durant AC, Celis-Salgado MP, Ezatollahpour S, Yan ND, Arnott SE, Donini A (2018) Ca2+ levels in Daphniahemolymph may explain occurrences of daphniid species along recent Ca gradients in Canadian soft-water lakes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 218, 8-15.
- Grieves LA, Kelly TR, Bernards MA, MacDougall‐Shackleton EA (2018) Malarial infection alters wax ester composition of preen oil in songbirds: Results of an experimental study. The Auk135, 767-776.
- Grieves LA, Bernards MA, MacDougall‐Shackleton EA (2019) Wax ester composition of songbird preen oil varies seasonally and differs between sexes, ages, and populations. Journal of Chemical Ecology45, 37-45.
- Kelly TR, Bonner SJ, MacDougall‐Shackleton SA, MacDougall‐Shackleton EA (2018) Exposing migratory sparrows to Plasmodium suggests costs of resistance, not necessarily of infection itself. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A329, 5-14.
- Kelly TR, Hobson KA, Casbourn GW, MacDougall-Shackleton EA, MacDougall-Shackleton SA (2019). Long-term winter-site fidelity in Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The Auk136, ukz010.
- Lawrence MJ, Godin JGJ, Zolderdo AJ, Cooke SJ (2019) Chronic plasma cortisol elevation does not promote riskier behaviour in a teleost fish: A test of the behavioural resiliency hypothesis. Integrative Organismal Biology1, obz009.
- Lawrence MJ, Zolderdo AJ, Godin JGJ, Mandelman JW, Gilmour KM, Cooke SJ (2019) Cortisol does not increase risk of mortality to predation in juvenile bluegill sunfish: A manipulative experimental field study. Journal of Experimental Zoology A331, 253-261.
- Lendvai AZ, Akçay Ç, Stanback M, Haussmann MF, Moore IT, Bonier F (2018) Male parental investment reflects the level of partner contributions and brood value in tree swallows. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 72, 185.
- Prystay TS, Lawrence MJ, Zolderdo AJ, Brownscombe JW, de Bruijn R,Eliason EJ, Cooke SJ (2019) Exploring relationships between cardiovascular activity and parental care behavior in nesting smallmouth bass: A field study using heart rate biologgers.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A234, 18-27.
- Pullen CE, Arlinghaus R, Lennox RJ, Cooke SJ (2019) Telemetry reveals the movement, fate, and lure-shedding of northern pike (Esox lucius) that break the line and escape recreational fisheries capture. Fisheries Research211, 176-182.
- Schoenle LA, Moore IT, Dudek AM, Garcia EB, Mays M, Haussmann MF, Cimini D, Bonier F (2019) Exogenous glucocorticoids amplify the costs of infection by reducing resistance and tolerance, but effects are mitigated by co-infection. Proceedings of the Royal Society B286.
- Tracey A, Aarssen L (2018) Neighbourhood crowding severely limits seed offspring recruitment in a temperate mesic old-field meadow. Community Ecology19, 281-288.
- Tracey A, Aarssen L (2019) Resident species with larger size metrics do not recruit more offspring from the soil seed bank in old‐field meadow vegetation. Journal of Ecology107, 1067-1078.
- Zolderdo AJ, Abrams AEI, Reid CH, Suski CD, Midwood JD, Cooke SJ (2019) Evidence of fish spillover from freshwater protected areas in lakes of eastern Ontario. Aquatic Conservation.
Honours Theses
- Baker S (2019) An investigation of adaptive life-history responses of Daphnia pulicaria to road salt- Supervised by S Arnott (Queen’s University)
- Chor A (2019)Assessing the impacts of shoreline alteration on fish/benthos diversity and community structure-Supervised by M Robertson(Queen’s University)
- Deng W (2019) Exploring the urban/rural environmental differences between pre-industrial and post-industrial Southern Ontario Lakes-Supervised by M Robertson(Queen’s University)
- Garland E (2019) Potential relationship between the average leaf area of a species and its abundance ranking for species withinKingston and surrounding area- Supervised by L Aarssen (Queen’s University)
- Glassman D (2019) The effect of bait type and delivery on estimates of aquatic community structure using remote underwater video systems (RUVS)-Supervised by SJ Cooke (Carlton University)
- Hayward K (2019) Polar Bear genomics and monitoring project- Supervised by S Lougheed (Queen’s University)
- Johnson L (2019) Nutrient limitation in phytoplankton and bacteria. A collaborative, multi-investigator study associated with NE-GLEON-Supervised by S Arnott (Queen’s University)
- Kennette L (2019) Phylogeography of the mink frog (Lithobates septentrionalis) and co-distributed anurans: comparing the genealogical patterns of early vs. late post-glacial colonisers-Supervised by S Lougheed (Queen’s University)
- Lai C (2019) Investigating phenotypic plasticity in antimicrobial strategies of the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis in response to temperature-Supervised by F Bonier (Queen’s University)
- Pegler S (2019) Assessing the response of metal contamination and remediation efforts of mining-impacted lakes in Sudbury-Supervised by M Robertson(Queen’s University).
- Pereira C (2019) Understanding how clonality contributes to size, recruitment, and fecundity responses within local grass species-Supervised by L Aarssen (Queen’s University)
- Reynolds J (2019) Investigating the effectiveness of a novel treatment for detoxifying oil sands waste waters stored in tailings ponds in Alberta-Supervised by D Orihel(Queen’s University)
- Schrempf S (2019) Effects of how trade-offs may influence behaviours of similar species in terms of establishing dominance and sub-ordinance in species pairs-Supervised by PR Martin(Queen’s University)
- Sinclair E (2019) How treating haemosporidian infections impacts female oxidative balance and egg characteristics such as pigmentation, mass, and shape on the red-winged blackbird population-Supervised by F Bonier (Queen’s University)
- Tomlinson C (2019) The relationships between body size and behavioural dominance in closely related species of Aves- Supervised by PR Martin(Queen’s University)
- Weder J (2019) The use of an herbicide to control the invasive wetland reed Phragmites, and how this chemical – glyphosate – may be indirectly affecting amphibians via their food; glyphosate’s potential impacts on the behaviour and development of green frog tadpoles-Supervised by D Orihel(Queen’s University)
Master Theses
- Burke K (2019) Identifying how species of Nicrophoruspartition resources spatially through adaptation to specific habitats and environmental factors-Supervised by PR Martin(Queen’s University)
- Chen Y (2019) Relation of chorusing intensity to temperature across latitudes of temperate frogs-Supervised by S Lougheed (Queen’s University)
- Cicchino A (2019) Physiological consequences and reproductive benefits of arboreal calling behaviour across the range of the spring peeper-Supervised by S Lougheed (Queen’s University)
- Freemantle V (2019) Understanding the effects of climate change on Arctic ecosystems. Using annual high resolution satellite imagery (2003-2017), and quantifying changes in vegetation cover, greenness, biomass and distribution across the site. How the biological and biophysical processes at this High Arctic site are responding to climate warming-Supervised by PM Treitz(Queen’s University)
- Jarvis W (2019) Movement patterns in a population of polyphenic sunfish and explore the consequences for evolution- Supervised by W Robinson (Guelph University)
- Marczak P (2019) Dactors controlling the carbon cycle in eastern Ontario’s temperate forest ecozone and address effective carbon quantification strategies for forest management-Supervised by PM Treitz(Queen’s University)
- Ong J (2019) Nicrophorus orbicollis, a burying beetle that has complex biparental care and reproductivestrategies, looking at how changes in its environment affects life history traits-Supervised by F Bonier (Queen’s University)
- Patterson S (2019) Exploring the adverse effects of atmospheric oil sands contaminants on the development, growth and physiology of a common frog species found in Canada, the wood frog-Supervised by D Orihel(Queen’s University)
- Reid C (2019) Understanding the role of behavior and energetic costs in successful fish passage use- Supervised by SJ Cooke (Carlton University)
- Sit E (2019) Rapid evolution of flowering time and herbivore defence in invasive populations of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)-Supervised by R Colautti (Queen’s University)
- Snetsinger M (2019) Genetic structure and connectivity of the endangered Butler’s gartersnake (Thamnophis butleri) across the fragmented landscape of Southwestern Ontario-Supervised by S Lougheed (Queen’s University)
- Watson M (2019) MHC diversity, neutral-locus heterozygosity, and overwinter survivorship-Supervised by B Shackleton (Western University)
- Wettlaufer J (2019) How closely related species of burying beetles (Nicrophorus) partition resources based on spatial and temporal factors-Supervised by PR Martin(Queen’s University)
PhD Theses
- Abrams A (2019) Black bass tournament science – biological and human dimensions-Supervised by SJ Cooke (Carlton University)
- Axelrod CJ (2019) Variation in spatial complexity and foraging requirements between habitats can impose different cognitive demands on animals that may influence brain size- Supervised by W Robinson (Guelph University)
- Chretien E (2019) Habitat quality and fish performance-Supervised by SJ Cooke (Carlton University)
- Feng Q (2019) eDNA approaches to quantifying species distributions- Supervised by S Lougheed (Queen’s University)
- Gu Q (2019) Exploring if ecological stoichiometry is useful in explaining impacts of environmental changes on arctic tundra plant communities- Supervised by P Grogan (Queen’s University)
- Holder P (2019) Applied aspects of exhaustive exercise in fish-Supervised by SJ Cooke (Carlton University)
- Lawrence M (2019) Influence of the stress axis on predator-prey interactions-Supervised by SJ Cooke (Carlton University)
- Slade J (2019) The Major Histocompatibility Complex in Song Sparrows: Immunity, Signals, and Mate Choice-Supervised by B Shackleton (Western University)