eDNA Workshop Timetable

Meals & Accommodations at the Queen's University Biological Station - Opinicon Campus - are included in the registration fee. We can provide transportation from Kingston. If participants are driving themselves (directions), parking is available. Before arriving we will refer you to some video and PDF resources including a video introduction to eDNA that you should view before arriving.

SUN, May 11Late afternoonArrival at QUBS. Settling into accommodationsNA
 5:30-6:30 PMDinner 
 7:00-8:00 PMTalk: Welcome to QUBS - Introductions, Introduction to eDNAStephen Lougheed
MON, May 127:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
 9:00-10:15 AMTalk: Introduction to eDNA study designDilini Abeyrama
 10:15-10:30 AMBreak 
 10:30 AM-noonTalk: Overview of eDNA-focused fieldworkDilini
 12:00-1:00 PMLunch 
 1:00-2:00 PMTalk: Introduction to qPCR, ddPCRDilini
 2:00-2:30 PMBreak and preparation for field activities 
 2:30-5:30 PMField practicum: Sampling water and frog swabs + metadata collection + water filtrationAllen Tian
 5:30-6:30 PMDinner 
 7:00-9:00 PMDNA extraction part 1 (Talk & Lab  Practicum) - QIAGEN KitAllen
TUES, May 137:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
 9:00-11:00 AMLab Practicum: DNA Extraction. Part 2Allen
 11:00 AM-noonDemo: Bio-RAD qPCR Demonstration Part 1Andre & Amir from BioRad
 12:00-1:00 PMLunch 
 1:00-3:15 PMDemo: Bio-RAD qPCR Demonstration Part 2Andre & Amir
 3:15-3:45 PMBreak 
 3:45-5:00 PMDemo: Bio-RAD qPCR Demonstration Part 3Andre & Amir
 5:30-6:30 PMDinner 
 7:00-8:00 PMTalk: Data analysis & single species detection recap, Q&AAllen
WED, May 147:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
 8:30-10:00 AMTalk: Broad overview of eDNA metabarcodingBojian Chen
 10:00-10:30 AMBreak 
 10:30 AM - noon Practicum: Polymerase chain reaction with MiFish primersAllen & Dilini
 12:00-1:00 PMLunch 
 1:00-2:30 PMTalk: Library Prep and metabarcoding workflow specificsBojian
 2:30-3:00 PMBreak 
 3:00-5:00 PMTalk: DNA visualization: gels, gel excision, Nanodrop/QubitAllen & Dilini
 5:30-6:30 PMDinner 
 7:00-8:00 PMGuest seminar: Dr. Melania Cristescu 
THURS, May 157:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
 8:30-10:00 AMTalk: Introduction to eDNA metabarcoding bioinformaticsBojian
 10:00-10:15 AMBreak 
 10:15 AM - noonPracticum: Command line & getting into BASHAllen
 12:00-1:00 PMLunch 
 1:00- 2:30 PMPracticum: Bioinformatics analysis & interpretation of metabarcoding results. Part 1Allen
 2:30-3:00 PMBreak 
 3:00-4:30 PMPracticum: Bioinformatics analysis & interpretation of metabarcoding results. Part 2Allen
 4:30-5:30 PMGuest seminar: Dr. Bob Hanner 
 5:30-6:30 PMDinner 
 7:00-8:00 PMQ&A: eDNA standards & roundtable on quality control 
FRI, May 167:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
 8:30-10:00 AMFinal quiz & wrap-up 


 Oxford Nanopore Schedule (to come) 
FRI, May 1610:00 AM - noon???? 
 12:00-1:00 PMLunch 
 1:00-5:00 PMTBAStephen Lougheed